Sunday, 26 February 2012

What I need to improve?

Document displaying teacher comments on draft product:
jack k

This is a document that was sent via Microsoft Outlook 2010, and was used to give me feedback, mainly based on the areas for improvment requried for higher grades on each of the 3 pages, the cover, contents page, and DPS. Going on what has been said, these are my main concerns for areas of improvement with the draft product and its procession into a final product:
- Fonts chosen need to be more suitable. E.g. with the title, make it less 'desktop' and make it more fitting, more nociteable and attractive when applied to the magazine product. Do this for all font, also, vary whenever necessary.
- Rethink the colour palette for the product. E.g. the unique colour palette is nice, but try to make the scheme of colours more fitting to the genre. Either lay the colours out more effecitively or change the colour scheme used. Remember that colours need to be attractive to the reader but also make surrounding content attractive at the same time.
- Experiment more with the typography used to create the product. Have better fonts, effects, colours, more variety, more style, etc...
- More pages on the contents page need to be added. 18 is too small, really...
- Resize all conntet where ever appropriate for task at hand. E.g. the cover has a price tag and barcode which are way too large to be realistic to apply to a cover page. The data must also be added.
- Get rid of main text font used for DPS. It looks strange. Other than that, DPS seems to be okay.
- Possible rethink main image of cover page. Maybe silhouette should be replaced with actual image of the band standing there.
- Possible rethink of concept. Should guitars and keyboards really be a main focus of the magazine?
- The photos used. They could be retaken. This can be either in order for there to be a better quality of images used, or for a larger variety of images to be used for the final product, thereby adding a larger amount of actual interest to the product.
- Other things that may or may not be featured in the teacher feedback sheet above. Many things will need to be done if I am to achieve a high level 4/A grade in my media studies coursework.

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