Monday, 23 January 2012

Audience and typical reader profile:

My target audience for this magazine:

My magazine is not aimed at one genre, but pretty much at all of music entirely. This means that a larger and wider variety of content, such as stars and stories, can be added and featured in the magazine. This also means that the audience is going to vary a lot more, due to people having interest of any genre being interested in this magazine. This magazine is not very niche as it wishes to cover more music, so it will have a large audience overall. This will be the case since people interested from all different genres, not just one, will be interested within the magazine content featured. When considering the marketing of the product, this is beneficial as it means that more interest from a large audience will mean more sale purchases for the magazine, thereby resulting in more overall profit for the makers of the magazine product.
Another thing about the target audience is that most of them will probably be casual members, due to many of them only being interested in one or two genres, therbey only being interested in about 20% of the content featured, for example. There will not be a lot of passionate support from the audience, as most of them will only be interested in certain parts. While this is considerably a negative factor produced from having a wider audience range and wider range of magazine content featured, he fact that the audience is still larger than most others and that sales are likely to still be higher more than makes up for that.

Why is the audience varied? What are the benefits?
Put it this way, despite having many casualties, a larger audience will generally mean a large influence, popularity, and most importantly, an increase in sales. Notice how if an audience is bigger, more sales are generated? Common sense, really. Take a look at this graph to see how an increase in demand can push profits up:

Notice how when demand increases, so does profit? That's what I mean, that is the benefit of a larger audience. Simple Economics and common sense show the advantages of a magazine with a wider range audience.
More to the point, this magazine is unique since most other products in its market only target one genre of music, limiting its customer supply. This unique nature of the magazine will also cause demand to go up...


As this magazine product is designed to attract a very wide and varied form of target audience, narrowing down the specific qualitites of them is not easy. In fact, considering how different some of the audience may be to each other, its practically impossible. Part of the audience will be interested in classical genre, so say if 15% of the audience was a fan of this genre, and classic is for the older generations, then an estimate would be that 15% of the audience is at least over 40, just for example. The audience will vary from different age groups, social-economic groups, regions, and otherwise. This may all depend on which genres they like and how much of the audience likes each genre. Obviously, if 50% of the audience like rock and only 20% like metal, then rock being featured more would be a wise decision. To fully understand an audience with a wide variety with many significant differences such as this one, marketing research may be required to point out unique qualities of certain audinece percentages. Right now, the only thing to say about the audience is that it will not be full of similar fans and readers, as the interests of different portions of the audience will vary depending on which music genre's interest them. Remember, this magazine is designed to attract a large audience in terms of both size and variety, as it provides more potential for content featured. More storylines can discussed, a greater variety of sell lines and headings, and colour palettes can be used, etc... The audience is supposed to vary of different people, so pointing out anything generally similar and unique about is is not really possible.

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